Welcome to Void Sigil Records, an independent netlabel dedicated to experimental and speculative audiovisual material. On this page you will find all Void Sigil Records releases outside of the core Void Sigil project. Please visit voidsigil.blogspot.com for all Void Sigil recordings and artwork, and browse our page at voidsigil.bandcamp.com for all audio releases on Void Sigil Records.
Bandersnatch!, which I recorded during the summer and autumn of 2011, was the first null/point music I had released in four years, and the first album to incorporate the full scope of the null/point project, as well as establishing an aesthetic of salvaging culture-specific musical symbolism and motifs that would become one of the central concepts of Void Sigil (The first two albums of null/point material, Technologies Of The Sacred volumes 1 and 2, still survive, and remixing and reissuing them, likely in the context of a Void Sigil release, is slowly climbing my list of priorities). I was working on these tracks at a time when circumstances had recently freed me from a professional obligation to listen primarily to a fairly narrow range of music, and during a period that saw me move, in a fairly short period of time, from California to Washington state to northern Scotland. Perhaps because of these factors, the album sounds a bit schizophrenic; a machine gun-quick ricochet through a wide variety of styles and sounds. Still, now armed with two years' worth of hindsight, I enjoy the mixtape-like quality of the album.
This is the final null/point audio-visual video piece I'll upload, one created over the summer of 2012. I used mostly found footage to create the video, with small bits of databent video used as effects. The soundtrack is completely original and mixes synthetic and found sound elements. Although the components of both the video and the audio, individually and free of any other context, are completely benign, I was pleased at how unsettling they became with a few color filters and some editing.
Another standalone null/point audio-visual video piece, from the summer of 2012. This video is almost exclusively found footage, most of it fairly old amateur footage, and is probably the closest I'll ever come to a traditional "Gothic" horror short film.
Another standalone audio-visual video piece constructed from found video recordings from the null/point archives. This one is more of a 'music video' in the traditional sense than the other videos I've made. The music track evolved from an old track that I started working on almost five years ago, but could never fit into the context of an album. The working title was "Fluorescent Streets," so it seemed like a natural fit once the video track started coming together.
Having recently completed and offered here the first manifesto of Void Sigil material, I thought I would take this opportunity to upload some of my older null/point work as well, to provide some insight into the evolution of what became the Void Sigil philosophy. One of the later null/point experiments, this track, as I said at the time, "...is an experimental ambient track designed to gradually reduce the listener's brainwaves from an Beta state of wakefulness to the Delta state approximating deep sleep. I have incorporated elements of white noise and carrier tones employing the principles of binaural beat frequencies, which I will explain more fully in a subsequent post. To take advantage of these elements, however, you will need to listen using stereo headphones with a full frequency response, not ear buds or speakers. It is intended to be heard in darkness with closed eyes, in a comfortable seated or reclined position. It can also be listened to in any other circumstances as a piece of ambient sound design, if you would prefer."